
Tagliavia & Co. Srl is presently listed as P&I correspondents for the following International Group and Fixed Premium P&I Clubs:

Alandia Group - Mariehamn (Finland)
Beazley P&I - London
British Marine Luxembourg SA. - London
Carina - London
China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association - Beijing
Lodestar Marine Ltd - London
ngosstrakh Insurance Co. Ltd. - Moscow
Intercoastal Shipowners P&I BV - Rotterdam
Michael Else & Company Limited - London

The Japan Ship Owners Mutual P&I Association - Tokyo
The London Steamship Owners Mutual Insurance Association Ltd. - London
The North of England P&I Association Ltd - Newcastle Upon Tyne
The North of England Marine Shipping Mutual Insurance Co. Ltd. - Newcastle Upon Tyne
The Shipowners Mutual P&I Association (Luxembourg) - London
The Standard Steamship Owners’ P&I Association (Bermuda) Ltd. - London
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Ltd. - London
The Swedish Club - Goteborg
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg) - London